Inuyasha season 3 ep 1
Inuyasha season 3 ep 1

Kagome asks Gyokuto and Kin'u what do they have. Gyokuto and Kin'u realizes it's Kagome before they go towards her and show them what they've picked. Kagome approaches with a basket of herbs as she calls out to Sango, who tells her 'hello'. Gyokuto and Kin'u were playing in the field. Sango is washing clothes as Hisui is on her back. Kagome explains it's been nearly 6 months since she's made the decision to live with Inuyasha in the Feudal Era and the days have been so peaceful as if the time they spent fighting for the Sacred Jewel was all a dream. The story begins with Inuyasha pulling Kagome out of the Bone-Eater's Well. 'Sokyo' tells Towa that the bike seat was the saddle she used to ride her mysterious iron wagon as she and a hanyō named Inuyasha traveled the land slaying demons and what he's about to share is a tale that he heard over a decade ago. Towa becomes surprised about 'Tokyo', the Bone-Eater's Well, and priestess.

inuyasha season 3 ep 1

'Sokyu' tells Towa that the bike seat was found when a clam fisher was raking the river and it was then presented to him and Ogigayatsu Hiiragi and there used to be rumors in the Musashi Province of a priestess who came through the Bone-Eater's Well from a place called ' Tokyo'. Towa asks Ogigayatsu Hiiragi and 'Sokyu' what's a bike seat doing here. 'Sokyu' confirms this with Ogigayatsu Hiiragi as it seems Towa knows something. Ogigayatsu Hiiragi says that she recognizes what it is. Towa becomes surprised and questions is that a bike seat. At that moment, a subordinate of the shogunate adviser brings in a box and places it down before he leaves. 'Sokyu' signals for one of the retainers to bring the item in. 'Sokyu' laughs and tells Towa it's such nonsense and there's something he would like for her to see. Towa tells Ogigayatsu Hiiragi that he should take her advice and let her go as things won't be so hot when her friends get here. Towa thinks to herself that she can't say anything or else she'd change history. 'Sokyu' asks Towa are things written in the book to be the truth as the ' Reiwa Era' that she hails from and wonders what sort of land is it. Towa becomes surprised and thinks to herself that Moroha is an idiot and wonders why'd she have to bring the book back with her. 'Sokyu' tells Towa that he has here a book that she was carrying and holds it up.

inuyasha season 3 ep 1

'Sokyu' tells Ogigayatsu Hiiragi to let him explain. Ogigayatsu Hiiragi says so Towa say and calls out to 'Sokyu'. Towa introduces herself to Ogigayatsu Hiiragi but she wasn't a 'Hanyō Princess' as the blanket falls off her. Ogigayatsu Hiiragi introduces himself to Towa. Ogigayatsu Hiiragi asks Towa was she the one they call " Hanyō Princess". Ogigayatsu Hiiragi and 'Sokyu' enter the room and sit down. Inside a castle, a mysterious girl named Towa Higurashi in clothes from the future is captured and sits in a room with a blanket on her. In the Feudal Era at the middle of the raining night, 2 girls are running through the forest. A young half demon named Towa was told a tale from around eighteen years prior about a half demon and a priestess who battled demons.

Inuyasha season 3 ep 1